This toolbox was developed at the request of Quebec First Nations communities and organizations health and social services directors. The goal is to support them in sharing information with the target audiences of their choice at the local level. The tools it contains provide plain-language information to facilitate reflection and local and collective mobilization.

The Quebec First Nations Health and Social Services Governance Process is a large and complex project, the components of which are sometimes difficult to understand and explain. Using practical and easy-to-use tools, available in various formats and themes, such as points for consideration, fact sheets, presentations, video clips and tips and advice for mobilization, the toolbox makes it possible to analyze the information to be shared with the various audiences and promote a better local and collective understanding of the process.

It is recommended to read the sections in order. For tips on how to use the toolbox, see the Toolbox User Guide.

Sections 1, 2 and 3 are explanatory while Sections 4 and 5 are focused on preparing for local and collective mobilization. Each of the five sections contains tools in various formats, such as PDF documents, videos, tables and diagrams. Some sections also contain preparatory exercises aimed at encouraging reflection on and assimilation of the themes presented. These communication tools can be used as is or printed or adapted to the user’s needs.

At any time, do not hesitate to contact the FNQLHSSC if you need assistance in using the toolbox or to give us your feedback.

Please click on one of the five following themes to access the tools.